cyber security vulnerabilities
Top 10 cyber security vulnerabilities When it comes to cyber security, it is essential to differentiate security threats to cyber security vulnerabilities. A threat is an event that could cause harm to your IT system and network assets. There can be no security threat without cyber-attacks that target your weaknesses. These weaknesses, or cyber security vulnerabilities, are areas of your security, infrastructure and business process that make your business more likely to be attacked. In 2020, it makes no doubt that vulnerabilities to your cyber security protocol are more relevant than ever to your growth, your reputation, and your income. Developing reliable cyber security strategies requires the right combination of technology and people. Indeed, as we are about to see, making sure you’ve got the best minds on board and that they can use reliable and advanced cyber security technology is not as easy as it first seems. In fact, some of the most common vulnerabilities are often the resu...